is a general assembly which determines the overall trends of CISM's activities.
Chairman: Mario Pezzetta
Representatives of Adhering Institutions:
Stéphane P.A. Bordas (LU), Vittorio Borghetto (IT), Marko Canadija (HR), Alessandro Castenetto (IT), Laura De Lorenzis (CH), Alessandro Gasparetto (IT), Daniele Goi (IT), Janos Jozsa (HU), Manfred Kaltenbacher (AT), Guido Nassimbeni (IT), Paolo B. Pascolo (IT), Patrizia Pavatti, (IT), Michel Raous (FR), Pedro Reis (CH), Roberto Rinaldo (IT), Helder C. Rodrigues (PT), Jörg Schröder (DE), Blazej Skoczen (PL), Carlo Tasso (IT), Harald van Brummelen (NL), Peter Wriggers (DE), Roland Wüchner (DE).
Representatives of Research Workers:
Gianni Comini (IT), Fabio Crosilla (IT), Cristian Marchioli (IT), Adriano Pascoletti (IT), Alessandro Trovarelli (IT).
Ex officio:
The Rectors of CISM: Elisabeth Guazzelli (FR), Alfredo Soldati (AT), Wolfgang A. Wall (DE).
The Secretary General: Antonio De Simone (IT)
The Rector of Udine University: Roberto Pinton (IT)
approves the budget according to the programme of CISM's activities.
President: Mario Pezzetta
Vice-President: Flavio Pressacco
Representatives of Adhering Institutions:
Stéphane P.A. Bordas (LU), Marko Canandjia (HR), Alessandro Castenetto (IT), Laura De Lorenzis (CH), Ruud Henkes (NL), Anne-Cristine Hladky (FR), Manfred Kaltenbacher (AT), Adam Kovacs (HU), Mario Pezzetta (IT), Flavio Pressacco (IT), Pedro Reis (CH), Helder C. Rodrigues (PT), Jörg Schröder (DE), Blazej Skoczen (PL), Peter Wriggers (DE), Roland Wüchner (DE).
Representatives of Research Workers:
Paolo Serafini (IT).
Ex officio:
The Rectors of CISM: Elisabeth Guazzelli (FR), Alfredo Soldati (AT), Wolfgang A. Wall (DE)
The Rector of Udine University: Roberto Pinton (IT)
Ex officio with advisory vote:
The Secretary General: Antonio De Simone (IT)
presides over the scientific activity of the Centre and proposes to the Administrative Council the annual Programme of scientific activities. The Scientific Council appoints from among its members three Rectors who chair the Council in rotation.
Chairman: One of the Rectors.
The Rectors of CISM: Elisabeth Guazzelli (FR), Alfredo Soldati (AT), Wolfgang A. Wall(DE).
Stéphane P.A. Bordas (LU), Laura De Lorenzis (CH), Steanie Elgeti (AT), Franz D. Fischer (AT), Alessandro Gasparetto (IT), Janos Jozsa (HU), Matthias Möller (NL), Pedro Reis (CH), Henryk Petryk (PL), Jacek Pozorski (PL), Michel Raous (FR), Daniel Rixen (DE), Hélder Carriço Rodrigues (PT), Jörg Schröder (DE), Jurica Soric (HR), Gabor Stepan (HU), Wolfgang A. Wall (DE), Peter Wriggers (DE).
Representatives of Research Workers:
Fabio Crosilla (IT), Antonio De Simone (IT), Cristian Marchioli (IT), Paolo Serafini (IT), Alessandro Trovarelli (IT).
Ex officio:
The Former Rectors: Giulio Maier (IT), Friedrich Pfeiffer (DE), Jean Salençon (FR), Franz G. Rammerstorfer(AT), Mahir Sayir (CH), Wilhelm Schneider (AT), Manuel G. Velarde (ES).
Ex officio with advisory vote:
The Secretary General: Antonio De Simone (IT)
Co-opted Members with advisory vote:
Vikram Deshpande (UK), Giuseppe Rega (IT), Bernhard A. Schrefler (IT), Sebastian Skatulla (ZA).