Advanced Courses
The Charles Doering session
Composite Manufacturing Processes: Analyses, Modelling and Simulations
Philippe Boisse, Luise Kärger
Physically Based Modelling of Superconductors and their Most Advanced Applications
Błazej Skoczen
Electro- and Magneto- Mechanics of Soft Solids: Experiments, Modeling, and Instabilities
Kostas Danas, Oscar Lopez-Pamies
Architectured Materials: Design Principles and Effective Properties
Jean-François Ganghoffer, Catalin Picu
CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Exploiting the Use of Strong Nonlinearity in Dynamics and Acoustics
Oleg V. Gendelman, Alexander F. Vakakis
26th CISM-IUTAM International Summer School on "Convection and Deformation in Porous Media: Geophysical and Biological Flows"
Marco De Paoli, Christopher MacMinn
Materials and Electro-Mechanical and Biomedical Devices Based on Nanofibers
Tomasz A. Kowalewski, Alexander L. Yarin
Fluid Flow and Phase Change of a Solid
Michael Berhanu, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, Piotr Szymczak
The Kurt Magnus session
Mechanics of Smart and Bio-Hybrid Gels: Experiments, Theory, Numerical Simulation
Mattia Bacca, Alessandro Lucantonio
27th CISM-IUTAM SUmmer School on "Sports Physics and Technology"
Christophe Clanet, Anette Hosoi
Mechanics of Strongly Inhomogeneous Multi-Component and Multi-Layered Structures
Holm Altenbach, Danila Prikazchikov
CISM-ECCOMAS Summer School on Data-Driven Mechanics: Constitutive Model-Free Approach
Michael Ortiz, Laurent Stainier
National APT Courses
Recenti Sviluppi in Fotogrammetria Digitale: Tecniche di Acquisizione 3D e di Estrazione Automatica delle Informazioni
Gabriele Guidi, Andrea Fusiello
Piastre in Cemento Armato Ordinario, Precompresso e Posteso: Analisi, Verifica ed Esempi di Progettazione
Matteo Moratti, Roberto Nascimbene, Carlo Beltrami
Meetings and events
Peridynamic Models for Material Degradation: from Fracture/Fragmentation to Corrosion; from Models to Computer Codes
Florin Bobaru, Ugo Galvanetto
1st RESILabex workshop
Stefano Grimaz
International APT Course
Natech Risk: Management Strategies and Resilience Towards Technological Accidents Caused by Natural Events
Valerio Cozzani, Fabrizio Paolacci
Joint Advanced Schools
CISM-UniUD Joint Advanced School on "Quantum Machine Learning: from Fundamentals to Applications"
Giuseppe Serra, Carla Piazza, Francesco Petruccione
CISM-UniUD Joint Advanced School on "Description and Modeling of Forming and Performance of Steel Products"
Frédéric Barlat, Fabio Miani
The Charles Doering session
Composite Manufacturing Processes: Analyses, Modelling and Simulations
Philippe Boisse, Luise Kärger
Physically Based Modelling of Superconductors and their Most Advanced Applications
Błazej Skoczen
Electro- and Magneto- Mechanics of Soft Solids: Experiments, Modeling, and Instabilities
Kostas Danas, Oscar Lopez-Pamies
Architectured Materials: Design Principles and Effective Properties
Jean-François Ganghoffer, Catalin Picu
CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Exploiting the Use of Strong Nonlinearity in Dynamics and Acoustics
Oleg V. Gendelman, Alexander F. Vakakis
26th CISM-IUTAM International Summer School on "Convection and Deformation in Porous Media: Geophysical and Biological Flows"
Marco De Paoli, Christopher MacMinn
Materials and Electro-Mechanical and Biomedical Devices Based on Nanofibers
Tomasz A. Kowalewski, Alexander L. Yarin
Fluid Flow and Phase Change of a Solid
Michael Berhanu, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, Piotr Szymczak
The Kurt Magnus session
Mechanics of Smart and Bio-Hybrid Gels: Experiments, Theory, Numerical Simulation
Mattia Bacca, Alessandro Lucantonio
27th CISM-IUTAM SUmmer School on "Sports Physics and Technology"
Christophe Clanet, Anette Hosoi
Mechanics of Strongly Inhomogeneous Multi-Component and Multi-Layered Structures
Holm Altenbach, Danila Prikazchikov
CISM-ECCOMAS Summer School on Data-Driven Mechanics: Constitutive Model-Free Approach
Michael Ortiz, Laurent Stainier
Recenti Sviluppi in Fotogrammetria Digitale: Tecniche di Acquisizione 3D e di Estrazione Automatica delle Informazioni
Gabriele Guidi, Andrea Fusiello
Piastre in Cemento Armato Ordinario, Precompresso e Posteso: Analisi, Verifica ed Esempi di Progettazione
Matteo Moratti, Roberto Nascimbene, Carlo Beltrami
Peridynamic Models for Material Degradation: from Fracture/Fragmentation to Corrosion; from Models to Computer Codes
Florin Bobaru, Ugo Galvanetto
1st RESILabex workshop
Stefano Grimaz
Natech Risk: Management Strategies and Resilience Towards Technological Accidents Caused by Natural Events
Valerio Cozzani, Fabrizio Paolacci
CISM-UniUD Joint Advanced School on "Quantum Machine Learning: from Fundamentals to Applications"
Giuseppe Serra, Carla Piazza, Francesco Petruccione
CISM-UniUD Joint Advanced School on "Description and Modeling of Forming and Performance of Steel Products"
Frédéric Barlat, Fabio Miani