Advanced Courses
The Alfred Kluwick session

Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars
Michael Le Bars, Daniel Lecoanet

Plastic Anisotropy and Damage from Single Crystal to Engineering Scale
Oana Cazacu, José A. Rodriguez-Martinez

Interfacial Flows – The Power and Beauty of Asymptotic Methods
Scheichl Bernhard

Nonlinear Electro- and Magneto-Mechanics: Theory, Computations, and Experiments
Prashant Saxena, Paul Steinmann

Wave Motion in Heterogeneous Media: Analysis, Modeling and Design
Bojan Guzina, Bruno Lombard

Liquid Interfaces, Drops and Sprays (LIDESP)
Alidad Amirfazli, Volfango Bertola, Marco Marengo

8th CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Physics of Granular Suspensions: Micromechanics of Geophysical Flow
Laurent Lacaze, Marco Mazzuoli

Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics
Steven L. Brunton, Bernd R. Noack

Variational Methods for Complex Materials and Processes
Klaus Hackl, Dorothee Knees

The Morton Gurtin session

9th CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Vehicle Dynamics, Control and Design
Basilio Lenzo, Frank Naets

Lagrangian Approaches to Multiphysics Two-Phase Flows
Christophe Henry, Jacek Pozorski

8th CISM-ECCOMAS Advanced School on Scientific Machine Learning in Design Optimization
Stefanie Elgeti, Matthias Möller

Batteries - Basic Principles, Experimental Investigations and Modeling Across Scales
Arnulf Latz, Wolfgang Wall

Landslides Mechanics: from Complex Granular Behaviour to Field-Scale Flows
Roland Kaitna, Anne Mangeney

Model Order Reduction for Design, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Vibratory Systems
Attilio Frangi, Cyril Touzé

Virtual Elements for Problems in Mechanics
Lourenco Beirao da Veiga, Peter Wriggers

Delays and Structures in Dynamical Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Methods
Dimitri Breda, Jianhong Wu
National APT Courses

Consolidamento dei Terreni: Principi e Applicazioni
Giuseppe Modoni
Meetings and events

Peridynamic Models for Material Degradation: from Fracture/Fragmentation to Corrosion; from Models to Computer Codes
Florin Bobaru, Ugo Galvanetto

ResiliEnhance field-trip FVG 2023
Stefano Grimaz

The Era of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes and the Impact on Engineering Design
Elisa Arnone, Veronica Zoratti
Joint Advanced Schools

EQAI 2023 - Quantum Machine and Deep Learning
Giuseppe Serra, Alessandra di Pierro, Carla Piazza, Francesco Petruccione

Reactive Synthesis: Main Achievements and Current Trends - Third Edition of the UniVr/UniUd Summer School on Formal Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems
Angelo Montanari, Gabriele Puppis, Tiziano Villa

1st Venetian Maudsley Forum. A mental health conference at the heart of Europe
Matteo Balestrieri, Marco Colizzi

DAI - Il Disegno per l'Accessibilità e l'Inclusione
Alberto Sdegno
The Alfred Kluwick session

Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars
Michael Le Bars, Daniel Lecoanet

Plastic Anisotropy and Damage from Single Crystal to Engineering Scale
Oana Cazacu, José A. Rodriguez-Martinez

Interfacial Flows – The Power and Beauty of Asymptotic Methods
Scheichl Bernhard

Nonlinear Electro- and Magneto-Mechanics: Theory, Computations, and Experiments
Prashant Saxena, Paul Steinmann

Wave Motion in Heterogeneous Media: Analysis, Modeling and Design
Bojan Guzina, Bruno Lombard

Liquid Interfaces, Drops and Sprays (LIDESP)
Alidad Amirfazli, Volfango Bertola, Marco Marengo

8th CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Physics of Granular Suspensions: Micromechanics of Geophysical Flow
Laurent Lacaze, Marco Mazzuoli

Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics
Steven L. Brunton, Bernd R. Noack

Variational Methods for Complex Materials and Processes
Klaus Hackl, Dorothee Knees

The Morton Gurtin session

9th CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Vehicle Dynamics, Control and Design
Basilio Lenzo, Frank Naets

Lagrangian Approaches to Multiphysics Two-Phase Flows
Christophe Henry, Jacek Pozorski

8th CISM-ECCOMAS Advanced School on Scientific Machine Learning in Design Optimization
Stefanie Elgeti, Matthias Möller

Batteries - Basic Principles, Experimental Investigations and Modeling Across Scales
Arnulf Latz, Wolfgang Wall

Landslides Mechanics: from Complex Granular Behaviour to Field-Scale Flows
Roland Kaitna, Anne Mangeney

Model Order Reduction for Design, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Vibratory Systems
Attilio Frangi, Cyril Touzé

Virtual Elements for Problems in Mechanics
Lourenco Beirao da Veiga, Peter Wriggers

Delays and Structures in Dynamical Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Methods
Dimitri Breda, Jianhong Wu

Peridynamic Models for Material Degradation: from Fracture/Fragmentation to Corrosion; from Models to Computer Codes
Florin Bobaru, Ugo Galvanetto

ResiliEnhance field-trip FVG 2023
Stefano Grimaz

The Era of Hydro-Meteorological Extremes and the Impact on Engineering Design
Elisa Arnone, Veronica Zoratti

EQAI 2023 - Quantum Machine and Deep Learning
Giuseppe Serra, Alessandra di Pierro, Carla Piazza, Francesco Petruccione

Reactive Synthesis: Main Achievements and Current Trends - Third Edition of the UniVr/UniUd Summer School on Formal Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems
Angelo Montanari, Gabriele Puppis, Tiziano Villa

1st Venetian Maudsley Forum. A mental health conference at the heart of Europe
Matteo Balestrieri, Marco Colizzi

DAI - Il Disegno per l'Accessibilità e l'Inclusione
Alberto Sdegno