CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

Our courses

Advanced Courses

The Paul H. Steen Session session

Drops, Jets and Films

Cameron Tropea, Alexander Yarin

Experimental Substructuring and Transfer Path Analysis for Structural Assemblies

Gregor Cepon, Daniel Rixen

Localization and Ductile Failure: Experimental, Theoretical and Computational Aspect

Ahmed Benallal, Odd Sture Hopperstad

Physics of Musical Instruments Applied to Instrument Making

Jean-Pierre Dalmont, José Antunes

Hysteresis in Functional Materials: From Physical Models to Numerical Simulation

Manfred Kaltenbacher, Astrid Pechstein

Fluid Mechanics of Buildings for Energy, Health, and Well-Being

Henry Burridge

Bone Cell and Tissue Mechanics

Gwendolen Reilly

Microphysics of Atmospheric Clouds

Daniela Tordella

27th CISM-IUTAM International Summer School on "Multi-Field Problems Across Different Scales - Materials for the Development of Green Technologies"

Jörg Schröder, Michele Marino

9th CISM-ECCOMAS Advanced course on "Variational Fracture Mechanics and Phase-Field Models"

Corrado Maurini, Laura De Lorenzis

10th CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on "Mechanics of Active and Biological Structures: from Fundamentals to Recent Results"

Antonio De Simone, Pedro Miguel Reis

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Computational Modelling of the Heart: from Fundamentals to Clinical Applications"

Manuel Garcia-Villalba, Juan Carlos del Alamo

Inverse Problems for Mechanical Systems: Methods, Simulations and Experiments

Alexandre Kawano, Antonino Morassi

Dense Particulate Flows: From Micromechanical to Macroscopic Modeling

Pascale Aussillous, Bernhard Vowinckel
The Gianpietro Del Piero session

Contact Mechanics in Multibody Dynamics: From Modeling to Applications

Paulo Flores,  Christian Hesch

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Model Reduction and Machine Learning for Solids, Fluids and Controls"

George Haller, Jain Shobhit

Tensegrity Systems: From Biomechanics to Mechanical Metamaterials

Julián Rimoli, Fernando Fraternali

Computational and Geometric Mechanics of Discrete and Continuum Systems

Andreas Müller, Zdravko Terze

Time and Rate-Dependent Damage Evolution and Fracture in Advanced Composites

Tomasz Sadowski, Holm Altenbach

Dynamics of Human Balancing

Tamás Insperger, John Milton

Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Methods for Computational Structure Mechanics

Pierre Gosselet

National APT Courses

Vetro Strutturale: Metodi di Analisi, Verifica, Diagnostica

Chiara Bedon

Il Monitoraggio As Built di Grandi Strutture a Prevalente Sviluppo Verticale: gli Esempi delle Torri di Milano

Giorgio P. M. Vassena

Verifica ed Adeguamento di Ponti Esistenti

Roberto Nascimbene

Analisi Numeriche per la Progettazione Geotecnica

Gianpiero Russo

Meetings and events

2nd BICTAM-CISM Symposium on Dispersed Multiphase Flows: from Measuring to Modeling

Guowei He, Cristian Marchioli

Joint Advanced Schools

CISM-JMBC Joint Advanced School on Fluids and Flows

Federico Toschi
The Paul H. Steen Session session

Drops, Jets and Films

Cameron Tropea, Alexander Yarin

Experimental Substructuring and Transfer Path Analysis for Structural Assemblies

Gregor Cepon, Daniel Rixen

Localization and Ductile Failure: Experimental, Theoretical and Computational Aspect

Ahmed Benallal, Odd Sture Hopperstad

Physics of Musical Instruments Applied to Instrument Making

Jean-Pierre Dalmont, José Antunes

Hysteresis in Functional Materials: From Physical Models to Numerical Simulation

Manfred Kaltenbacher, Astrid Pechstein

Fluid Mechanics of Buildings for Energy, Health, and Well-Being

Henry Burridge

Bone Cell and Tissue Mechanics

Gwendolen Reilly

Microphysics of Atmospheric Clouds

Daniela Tordella

9th CISM-ECCOMAS Advanced course on "Variational Fracture Mechanics and Phase-Field Models"

Corrado Maurini, Laura De Lorenzis

10th CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on "Mechanics of Active and Biological Structures: from Fundamentals to Recent Results"

Antonio De Simone, Pedro Miguel Reis

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Computational Modelling of the Heart: from Fundamentals to Clinical Applications"

Manuel Garcia-Villalba, Juan Carlos del Alamo

Inverse Problems for Mechanical Systems: Methods, Simulations and Experiments

Alexandre Kawano, Antonino Morassi

Dense Particulate Flows: From Micromechanical to Macroscopic Modeling

Pascale Aussillous, Bernhard Vowinckel
The Gianpietro Del Piero session

Contact Mechanics in Multibody Dynamics: From Modeling to Applications

Paulo Flores,  Christian Hesch

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Model Reduction and Machine Learning for Solids, Fluids and Controls"

George Haller, Jain Shobhit

Tensegrity Systems: From Biomechanics to Mechanical Metamaterials

Julián Rimoli, Fernando Fraternali

Computational and Geometric Mechanics of Discrete and Continuum Systems

Andreas Müller, Zdravko Terze

Time and Rate-Dependent Damage Evolution and Fracture in Advanced Composites

Tomasz Sadowski, Holm Altenbach

Dynamics of Human Balancing

Tamás Insperger, John Milton

Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Methods for Computational Structure Mechanics

Pierre Gosselet

Vetro Strutturale: Metodi di Analisi, Verifica, Diagnostica

Chiara Bedon

Il Monitoraggio As Built di Grandi Strutture a Prevalente Sviluppo Verticale: gli Esempi delle Torri di Milano

Giorgio P. M. Vassena

Verifica ed Adeguamento di Ponti Esistenti

Roberto Nascimbene

Analisi Numeriche per la Progettazione Geotecnica

Gianpiero Russo

2nd BICTAM-CISM Symposium on Dispersed Multiphase Flows: from Measuring to Modeling

Guowei He, Cristian Marchioli

CISM-JMBC Joint Advanced School on Fluids and Flows

Federico Toschi