Advanced Courses
The Juan Carlos Lasheras session

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Instabilities in Turbulence"
Detlef Lohse, Olga Shishkina

Wrinkling – Theoretical Foundations, Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling
Franz Rammerstorfer, Valentina Balbi

28th CISM-IUTAM Summer School on "Gravity Currents in the Environment"
Eckart Meiburg, Benjamin Kneller

Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures: Finite Fracture Mechanics and Related Fracture Models
Aurélien Doitrand, Vladislav Mantič

Recent Advancements in Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Complex Materials
Tomasz Sadowski, Patrizia Trovalusci

Architectured Materials and Metamaterials: Design Principles and Effective Properties
Jean-François Ganghoffer, Catalin Picu

Mechanics to Build and Program Soft Robots
Joel Marthelot, Pierre-Thomas Brun

Modelling Techniques for the Development of Artificial Organs
Marcus Granegger, Bernhard Semlitsch

Non-Spherical Particles in Turbulence
Cristian Marchioli, René Van Hout
The Jerald LaVerne Ericksen session

Morphing Structural Materials – From Biology to Physics to Architecture
Peter Fratzl, Eran Sharon

Lagrangian Approaches to Multiphysics Two-phase Flows
Jacek Pozorski, Alfredo Soldati

Advances in Wind Energy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Charalampos Baniotopoulos, Enzo Marino

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Metal Additive Manufacturing: Fundamentals, Modeling, Materials, and Implementation"
A. John Hart , Christoph Meier

11th CISM–AIMETA Advanced Course on "Machine Learning for Solid Mechanics"
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Antonio De Simone

Image-based Mechanics: an Overview of Experimental and Numerical Approaches
Julien Réthoré, José Xavier

The Dynamics of Rolling and Balancing in Micromobility Vehicles
Gabor Orosz, Denes Takacs

Emerging Discretization Methods in Solid Mechanics
Peter Wriggers, Jörg Schröder
National APT Courses
Joint Advanced Schools
The Juan Carlos Lasheras session

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Instabilities in Turbulence"
Detlef Lohse, Olga Shishkina

Wrinkling – Theoretical Foundations, Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling
Franz Rammerstorfer, Valentina Balbi

28th CISM-IUTAM Summer School on "Gravity Currents in the Environment"
Eckart Meiburg, Benjamin Kneller

Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures: Finite Fracture Mechanics and Related Fracture Models
Aurélien Doitrand, Vladislav Mantič

Recent Advancements in Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Complex Materials
Tomasz Sadowski, Patrizia Trovalusci

Architectured Materials and Metamaterials: Design Principles and Effective Properties
Jean-François Ganghoffer, Catalin Picu

Mechanics to Build and Program Soft Robots
Joel Marthelot, Pierre-Thomas Brun

Modelling Techniques for the Development of Artificial Organs
Marcus Granegger, Bernhard Semlitsch

Non-Spherical Particles in Turbulence
Cristian Marchioli, René Van Hout
The Jerald LaVerne Ericksen session

Morphing Structural Materials – From Biology to Physics to Architecture
Peter Fratzl, Eran Sharon

Lagrangian Approaches to Multiphysics Two-phase Flows
Jacek Pozorski, Alfredo Soldati

Advances in Wind Energy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Charalampos Baniotopoulos, Enzo Marino

CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course on "Metal Additive Manufacturing: Fundamentals, Modeling, Materials, and Implementation"
A. John Hart , Christoph Meier

11th CISM–AIMETA Advanced Course on "Machine Learning for Solid Mechanics"
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Antonio De Simone

Image-based Mechanics: an Overview of Experimental and Numerical Approaches
Julien Réthoré, José Xavier

The Dynamics of Rolling and Balancing in Micromobility Vehicles
Gabor Orosz, Denes Takacs

Emerging Discretization Methods in Solid Mechanics
Peter Wriggers, Jörg Schröder