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Basile Audoly (Université Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS, Paris, France)
6 lectures on: Elasticity and Geometry. Introduction to the Elastica; justification by dimensional reduction; linear models: bars and beam. Stability and bifurcations: buckling analysis, snap-through, flutter. Discrete methods for simulating the dynamics of nonlinear rods: discrete elastic rods, discrete viscous threads.Kenneth Breuer (Brown University, Providence, RI, USA)
6 lectures on: Swimming at small Reynolds number. Introduction to swimming at low Reynolds number; Bacterial flagellar motility: Running, Tumbling, Reverses and Flicks - modes of swimming with helical flagella; The mechanics of flagellar bundling and hydrodynamic synchronization of flagella and cilia; Taylor swimmers and travelling-wave swimming; Swimming in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.Darren Crowdy (Imperial College, London, UK)
6 lectures on: MOFs, microfluidics and micro-organisms: a crash course in complex variable techniques for Stokes flow modelling. 2D Stokes flows; Goursat representations in terms of analytic functions; Fundamental singularities; conformal mapping; free boundary problems; Mixed boundary value problems; transform techniques; numerical methods; Applications of all the above to modelling microstructured optical fibres, Superhydrophobic surfaces, and low- Reynolds-number swimmers/particles.Anke Lindner (ESPCI, Paris, France)
6 lectures on: Flow of complex suspensions. Introduction to complex fluids; Principles of rheology and recent developments in microfluidic rheometry; Effective properties of complex suspensions (anisotropic, deformable and active particles); Link to individual and collective particle dynamics (deformation, orientation, structural arrangement….).Michael Shelley (New York University, NY, USA)
5 lectures on: Elastic fibers in viscous flows. Slender-body theory, local and nonlocal, for elasticae in fluids; Buckling, bending, rheology, and transport; Fibers made active – the dynamics of swimming rod suspensions; Numerical methods; Modeling microtubule/motor-protein assemblies; Suspensions of elastic fibers, biological applications.Howard A. Stone (Princeton University, NJ, USA)
6 lectures on: Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics. Equations of motion; reciprocal theorem; Applications and integral equation representations; Motion of spheres and ellipsoids; Lubrication theory and thin film flows.