CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

COST Training Summer School on "Interaction of Microscopic Structures and Organisms with Fluid Flows"

Advanced Courses

The interaction of fluids and structures is an area of tremendous activity, most notably for low Reynolds number flows which are described by the Stokes equations. This regime, where the suspended structures are microscopic, is especially important to chemical engineering, materials science, soft-condensed matter physics, and biophysics. This course will focus on the interactions of fluids with microscopic objects, such as deformable particles, swimming microorganisms and “active” particles, and the collective behavior of these systems. Students will first be given a thorough foundation in the physics and mathematical description of the Stokesian flow regime as well as relevant matter on material elasticity. On the theoretical side it will include mathematical aspects such as singularity, boundary integral, and approximate treatments of the Stokes equations, as well as Faxen relations and treatment of many-body interactions. The classical elastica will be described with emphasis on “extreme mechanics” of buckling and opening. On the experimental side, material will include basic methods and modern microfluidic techniques for fabrication. Students will then learn many different aspects of the dynamics of flexible structures suspended in viscous flows. The viscous forces acting upon flexible objects can deform them, say through continuous bending or an abrupt buckling, and these deformations in turn modify the flow, leading to a highly non-linear coupling. This arises in modeling the flagellae or cilia involved in micro-organismal locomotion and mucal transport, in determining the shape of biofilm streamers, and in new methods of structure self-assembly. Microorganisms locomote in a variety of ways, singly and collectively, and in many kinds of environments. This example of fluid-structure interaction is a central example of “active matter”. Lectures will cover both theoretical and experimental aspects, discussing classical results as well as modern advances in understanding collective hydrodynamics, and the effects of confinement and complex media on motility. This course will give the possibility to the students to learn the state of the art of this still developing area. We have designed a program for the courses in which both experimental and theoretical aspects will be treated and that will provide students with a strong background on the fundamentals of the field as well as recent developments on open questions. The course is addressed to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in hydrodynamics, mechanics, materials science, applied physics and applied mathematics, academic and industrial researchers and practicing engineers.

Audoly B and Pommeau Y. Elasticity and Geometry (2010). From hair curls to the non-linear response of shells. Ed. Oxford Press University. Crowdy D.G., Lee S., Samson O., Lauga E. and Hosoi A.E., (2011) A two-dimensional model of low-Reynolds number swimming beneath a free surface. J. Fluid. Mech., 681, 24-47. Duprat C and Stone HA (2014) Low Reynolds Number Flows. to appear in Fluid-structure interactions at low Reynolds numbers, eds. C. Duprat and H. A. Stone. Hinch, E.J. (1988) Hydrodynamics at low Reynolds number: a brief and elementary introduction in Disorder and Mixing ed. Guyon, E., Nadal J-P. & Pomeau, Y. (Kluwer) N.A.T.O. A.S.I. E, 152, 43-55. Lauga, E., & Powers, T. R. (2009). The hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms. Reports on Progress in Physics, 72(9), 096601. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/72/9/096601. Lindner, A. and Shelley, M. (2014) Elastic fibers in flows. to appear in Fluid-structure interactions at low Reynolds numbers, eds. C. Duprat and H. A. Stone. Powers, T. R. (2010). Dynamics of filaments and membranes in a viscous fluid. Reviews of Modern Physics, 82(2), 1607–1631. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.82.1607. Saintillan, D. and Shelley, M. (2013) Active Suspensions and Their Nonlinear Models. Comptes Rendus Physique 14, 497-517.
Basile Audoly (Université Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS, Paris, France)
6 lectures on: Elasticity and Geometry. Introduction to the Elastica; justification by dimensional reduction; linear models: bars and beam. Stability and bifurcations: buckling analysis, snap-through, flutter. Discrete methods for simulating the dynamics of nonlinear rods: discrete elastic rods, discrete viscous threads.

Kenneth Breuer (Brown University, Providence, RI, USA)
6 lectures on: Swimming at small Reynolds number. Introduction to swimming at low Reynolds number; Bacterial flagellar motility: Running, Tumbling, Reverses and Flicks - modes of swimming with helical flagella; The mechanics of flagellar bundling and hydrodynamic synchronization of flagella and cilia; Taylor swimmers and travelling-wave swimming; Swimming in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.

Darren Crowdy (Imperial College, London, UK)
6 lectures on: MOFs, microfluidics and micro-organisms: a crash course in complex variable techniques for Stokes flow modelling. 2D Stokes flows; Goursat representations in terms of analytic functions; Fundamental singularities; conformal mapping; free boundary problems; Mixed boundary value problems; transform techniques; numerical methods; Applications of all the above to modelling microstructured optical fibres, Superhydrophobic surfaces, and low- Reynolds-number swimmers/particles.

Anke Lindner (ESPCI, Paris, France)
6 lectures on: Flow of complex suspensions. Introduction to complex fluids; Principles of rheology and recent developments in microfluidic rheometry; Effective properties of complex suspensions (anisotropic, deformable and active particles); Link to individual and collective particle dynamics (deformation, orientation, structural arrangement….).

Michael Shelley (New York University, NY, USA)
5 lectures on: Elastic fibers in viscous flows. Slender-body theory, local and nonlocal, for elasticae in fluids; Buckling, bending, rheology, and transport; Fibers made active – the dynamics of swimming rod suspensions; Numerical methods; Modeling microtubule/motor-protein assemblies; Suspensions of elastic fibers, biological applications.

Howard A. Stone (Princeton University, NJ, USA)
6 lectures on: Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics. Equations of motion; reciprocal theorem; Applications and integral equation representations; Motion of spheres and ellipsoids; Lubrication theory and thin film flows.