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H. Morand and R. Ohayon, Fluid Structure Interaction, Wiley, 1995.
R. Ohayon and C. Soize, Advanced Computational Vibroacoustics, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
H.C. Elman, D.J. Silvester and A.J. Wathen, Finite elements and fast iterative solvers: with applications in incompressible fluid dynamics, Oxford University Press, 2005.
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Gee M., Küttler U., Wall W.A., Truly monolithic algebraic multigrid for fluid-structure interaction, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 85 (8) (2011) 987-1016.
C. Farhat, P. Geuzaine and C. Grandmont, The Discrete Geometric Conservation Law and the Nonlinear Stability of ALE Schemes for the Solution of Flow Problems on Moving Grids, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 174, pp. 669-694, 2001.
C. Farhat, J.F. Gerbeau and A. Rallu, FIVER: A Finite Volume Method Based on Exact Two-Phase Riemann Problems and Sparse Grids for Multi-Material Flows with Large Density Jumps, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 231, pp. 6360-6379, 2012.
D. Amsallem and C. Farhat, An Interpolation Method for Adapting Reduced-Order Models and Application to Aeroelasticity, AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 1803-1813, 2008.
6 Lectures on:Coupled Solvers for FSI. Specific topics: Segregated algorithms; Introduction to iterative Krylov methods and preconditioning strategies; Block-Jacobi and block-Gauss- Seidel solvers; Block-preconditioning techniques and Schur complement approximations; Physics-based domain decomposition preconditioning; Parallel solvers for linear systems of equations, scalability and the importance of effective preconditioning; Scalable domain decomposition methods for FSI; Balancing domain decomposition and FETI-type preconditioning strategies.
Website: http://badia.rmee.upc.edu/
6 lectures on: FSI in the compressible flow regime & Model reduction for FSI. Specific topics: Introduction and formulation of compressible fluid-structure interaction problems; Eulerian and Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian computational frameworks; The FIVER method for highly nonlinear multiphase fluid-structure interaction problems; Linearized model order reduction: theory, stability, and accuracy; Real-time fluid-structure computations: interpolation on matrix manifolds. Website: https://web.stanford.edu/group/frg/
6 Lectures on: FSI in hemodynamics & coupling algorithms. Specific topics: Incompressible fluid-structure interaction algorithms: implicit, semi-implicit, and explicit schemes. The role of the added-mass effect in the design of the algorithms. Data assimilation in fluid-structure interaction: variational and sequential approaches; state and parameter estimation with Luenberger observers and nonlinear filtering. Applications in hemodynamics.
Website: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/who/Jean-Frederic.Gerbeau
5 Lectures on: Modeling and discretization of linear FSI in the frequency domain. Specific topics: Computational aspects of linear vibrations of incompressible liquids contained in elastic tanks with free surface effects (hydroelasticity, sloshing); Compressibility effects in liquids and gas for vibroacoustic noise and vibration problems; Specific aspects will be on mechanical modeling, choice of the unknowns fields of the boundary value problem problem, appropriate variational formulations and symmetry considerations, finite element methods and reduced order models through appropriate dynamic substructuring concepts.
Website: http://www.lmssc.cnam.fr/fr/equipe/roger-ohayon
6 Lectures on: FSI in the incompressible flow regime & Immersed methods. Specific topics: Introduction and formulation of fluid-structure interaction with incompressible flows; Monolithic multilevel approach for FSI; Framework for monolithic solution approaches for general n-field coupled problems; Overview on fixed-grid algorithms; Cut-Element based approach for FSI; Extension towards fluid-structure-contact interaction and fluid-structure-fracture interaction.
Website: http://www.lnm.mw.tum.de
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