This Advanced Webiner on Innovative Structures for Lightweight Vehicles brings together expert lecturers in the fields of structural modelling, composite materials, nano-materials, smart structures for vibration control. The course combines academic scientific excellence with industrially-relevant applications and is organized by the partners of the on-going intersectorial MIUR PRIN project DEVISU: DEvelopment and applications of a VIrtual hybrid platform for multiscale analysis of advanced StructUres of aircraft. The course is organised in six Sessions.
The first Session considers the development of the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) as a tool to develop 2nd generation of theories of structures, including beams, plates and shells. In the first part, enhanced 1D and 2D formulations are presented with reference to the condensed CUF notation and using the so-called equivalent-single-layer, zig-zag and layer-wise theories. In the second part, asymptotic and axiomatic approaches are compared, which lead to the Best Theory Diagram using genetic-type algorithms rotating blades and rotor-dynamic analysis, applications to bio-structures and fluid dynamics of Poiseuille flow with Stokes fluid flux.
The second Session is focussed on design and optimization of new, disruptive structural solutions for aerospace systems. Initially the focus is on the extension of CUF to geometrical nonlinear problems. Then, the stiffness tailoring of variable stiffness laminates is examined, considering curvilinear stiffeners too. Finally aerodynamic and aeroelastic preliminary design tools and theoretical frameworks are introduced, which are customized for innovative non-planar wing systems.
The third Session aims at introducing new trends in multi-scale and coupled computational mechanics. The main aspects are first discussed for a recently developed three-dimensional computational framework for multiscale and multi-physics analysis of structures made of polycrystalline materials. Then, the solution of discontinuous mechanical problems by Peridynamics, which is a non-local continuum theory based on integral equations, are presented. Finally, variable kinematics (eventually multi-dimensional) models for the analysis of multi-component structures and local-nonlocal material subdomains are revised using CUF.
The fourth Session concerns a presentation of a range of activities focused on similitudes in vibroacoustics. The main rules for building complete or distorted/incomplete models will be presented and discussed with theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations. Specific attention will be paid also to the structural and the aero/acoustic responses. The approach will be presented by using all the available information coming from analytical developments, numerical investigations and experimental tests.
Also emphasis will be given to the adoption of Machine Learning to support the analysis and the definition of the scaling laws for mechanical systems.
The fifth Session provides a comprehensive overview of the principal features of smart thin structures equipped with feed-forward and feedback systems for the control of the flexural response and sound transmission due respectively to tonal and to stochastic broadband disturbances. The Session is structured in 3 Parts. Part 1, presents an overview of the excitation, flexural response and sound radiation of thin structures exposed either to deterministic (e.g. plane acoustic waves) and stochastic (e.g. acoustic diffuse field and turbulent boundary layer) excitations. The second part introduces and discussed the physical effects of a single channel and multi-channel feed-forward and feedback control systems. Finally the third part presents an overview of practical smart structures.
The sixth Session is dedicated to: i) a general presentation of an Aeroelastic Tailoring Methodology, ii) its application to develop adequate margins in buckling of wing panels, iii) the use of lightweight composites as substitutes to die forgings in aircraft structures like landing gears.
The first part discusses the Aeroelastic Tailoring methodology, which is used to design wing structures to meet strength, buckling and flutter requirements simultaneously. The second part presents an application of the Aeroelastic Tailoring in typical composite wing panels to study the effect of pure compression loads and develop adequate margins in buckling. Finally, the third part discusses the design of composite complex shaped components as replacement of parts made with metal forgings is introduced.
The Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (Italy) is gratefully acknowledged for supporting the organisation of this training course through the the DEVISU project which was funded by the research funding programme PRIN 2017.
Monday, November 23
8.40 - 09.00 Welcome
Part I: Developments and applications of second generation theory of structures based on Carrera unified formulation
9.00 - 10.00 Erasmo Carrera (Polytechnic University of Turin, I)
Unified formulation of theories of structures with emphasis on laminated composites
10.15 - 11.15 Erasmo Carrera
Application to thermo-piezo-elasticity and other problems
11.30 - 12.30 Marco Petrolo (Polytechnic University of Turin, I)
Best structural theories and accuracy evaluations via machine learning
Part II: Nonlinearities in the design and optimization of deployable structures, variable stiffness composites and innovative wing systems
14.00 - 15.00 Alfonso Pagani (Polytechnic University of Turin, I)
Geometrical nonlinear analysis of thin structures with application to deployable booms
15.15 - 16.15 Riccardo Vescovini (Polytechnic University of Milan, I)
Stiffness tailoring of aerospace panels using curvilinear fibers and stringers
16.30 - 17.30 Luciano Demasi (San Diego State University, USA)
Aerodynamics and aeroelasticity of innovative wing systems
Tuesday, November 24
Part III: New trends in multi-scale and coupled computational mechanics
9.00 - 10.00 Ivano Benedetti (University of Palermo, I)
A 3D multiscale multi-physics computational framework for degradation and failure in polycrystalline materials and structures
10.15 - 11.15 Mirco Zaccariotto (University of Padua, I)
Discontinuous mechanical problems studied with a peridynamics-based approach: simulation of fracture and damage propagation
11.30 - 12.30 Alfonso Pagani
Coupled models for multi-component structures and local-nonlocal material subdomains
Part IV: Similitudes in vibroacoustic response
14:00 - 15:00 Sergio De Rosa (University of Naples Federico II, I)
Background and State-of-the-Art in the Similitudes in the Engineering Fields
15.15 - 16.15 Francesco Franco (University of Naples Federico II)
Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Applications of Similitudes to the Problems of Lightweight Vehicles
16.30 - 17.30 Giuseppe Petrone and Alessandro Casaburo (University of Naples Federico II)
Adoption of Machine Learning
Wednesday, November 25
Part V: Smart Structures for vibro-acoustic control
9.00 - 10.00 Paolo Gardonio (University of Udine, I)
Vibro-acoustic response of thin structures excited by deterministic and stochastic acoustic fields
10.15 - 11.15 Paolo Gardonio
Smart structures for vibro-acoustic control, Part 1: physical principles
11.30 - 12.30 Emanuele Turco (University of Udine, I)
Smart structures for vibro-acoustic control, Part 2: practical design and implementation
Part VI: Aeroelastic Tailoring methodology and applications of composites in aircraft structures
14.00 - 15.00 Alex Pereira do Prado (Embraer, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Aeroelastic Tailoring Methodology
15.15 - 16.15 Henrique Estevão Araújo Almada dos Santos (Embraer)
Applications of Aeroelastic Tailoring in the Study of Buckling of Typical Wing Panels
16.30 - 17.30 Pedro Higino Cabral (Embraer)
The Use of Lightweight Composites as substitutes to Die Forgings in Typical Aircraft Structures
Henrique Estevão Araújo Almada dos Santos, Mechanical Engineer with over 8 years of experience in the aviation and aerospace industry by working as a Product Development Engineer in Structural Analysis with emphasis on Composite Structures and as a Process Development Engineer, in Manufacturing of the Airplane Main Structures (Fuselage and Wing). Experience also in Project areas of other industries. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita (UNESP, Brasil) with honor for the best grade-point-average (Graduation with Academic Distinction). Currently finishing a Master of Science degree in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA, Brasil).
Ivano Benedetti is currently Associate Professor of Aerospace Structures in the Department of Engineering at the University of Palermo, Italy. He has been: Invited Foreign Professor at INSA Normandie, Rouen, France; Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA; Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of Aeronautics of Imperial College London, where he worked on multiscale modeling of damage in materials and structures. He was awarded his PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy in 2008. He is member of the Editorial Board of: Journal of Multiscale Modelling; MDPI/Modelling; Mathematical Problems in Engineering; European Journal of Computational Mechanics. He serves as Referee for several international journals and as Evaluator for several research funding bodies. He is member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Damage and Fracture Mechanics and of the International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless techniques. Has authored overall more than 100 scientific papers, in leading international peer reviewed journals, book chapters and national and international conference proceedings. His research interests include: Computational modelling of materials and structures, Damage and fracture mechanics, Structural Health Monitoring, Mechanics of plates, Micromechanics, Multiscale modelling, Polycrystalline materials, Composite materials, Piezoelectric materials, FEM, BEM, fast BEM solvers.
Pedro Higino Cabral, Senior R&D Engineer in Aeronautics at Embraer and Lead of the Aeroelastic Tailoring R&D Project; PCP (ANAC, Brasil) similar to DER-Designated Engineering Representative (FAA,USA) in Structures Landing Gear Certification, Senior Stress Engineer in Landing Gear Structures, with participation in the development of the following Programs: a) Nose Landing Gear of the Boeing 787 at Messier-Dowty, Ajax-Canada, b) Fuselage Landing Gears – Bogie Beam and Axles – of the Airbus A380 at Goodrich, Oakville-Canada, and c) Landing Gears of Embraer CBA-123 Vector; Senior Dynamics Engineer in Aeroelasticity and Loads, with participation in the development of the following Programs: a) Bombardier DASH8-400 (flap loads), in Toronto-Canada, b) Embraer EMB-120 (wings and T-Tail dynamics and aeroelasticity) and c) AMX (Alenia, AirMacchi and Embraer) ground attack aircraft (wing dynamics), in Varese-Italy. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at UFPR (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil) in 1980, with Academic Distinction; Postgraduation in the area of Structures and Solid Mechanics, Aeronautical Engineering at ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brasil).
Erasmo Carrera is professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He has introduced the Reissner Mixed Variational Theorem, RMVT, as a natural extension of the Principle of Virtual Displacement to layered structure analysis. He originated the Unified Formulation, or CUF (Carrera Unified Formulation), as a tool to establish a new framework to develop linear and nonlinear theories of beams, plates and shells for metallic and composite multilayered structures loaded by mechanical, thermal, electrical and magnetic loadings. Carrera is the author and coauthor of about 700 papers on the above topics, most of which have been published in first rate international journals, including a few recent books. Professor Carrera is founder and leader of the MUL2 group, which has acquired a significant international reputation in the field of multilayered structures subjected to multifield loadings, see also He was recognized as Highly Cited Researchers (Top 100 Scientist) by Thompson Reuters in the two Sections: Engineering and Materials (2013) and Engineering (2015). He currently acts as President of AIDAA (Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica ed Astronautica).
Alessandro Casaburo is a Ph.D. candidate at University of Naples Federico II, Industrial Engineering Department, Aerospace Section. He gained his Master graduation in Aerospace Engineering in 2017, and started his Ph.D, still ongoing, in 2018. His research focuses on the investigation of structural similitudes with analytical, numerical and experimental approaches. His research field is structural dynamics, mainly concentrated on vibrations and acoustics, but he also deals with the application of modern techniques, such as machine learning, to vibroaocustic field. This led Dr. Casaburo to two secondments at the Department of Mechanical Engineering f University of Chile, as guest of Prof. Meruane, during which he studied the application of machine learning techniques to systems in similitude, as well as the validation of noisy experiments by means of similitude theory, involving both isotropic structures and sandwich configurations.
Luciano Demasi received his PhD in Aerospace Engineering in 2004 (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and currently is a professor at the San Diego State University (Dept. of Aerospace Engineering). He is also an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Associate Fellow and is author of more than 100 publications in the areas of Aerodynamics, Structures, and Aeroelasticity.
Sergio De Rosa graduated in Aeronuatical Engineering from the University of Napoli Federico II in 1988. After 4 years at CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Center), in 1992 he became researcher at University of Napoli Federico II where he spent all his academic career. He was promoted as full professor at the end in 2014. He has been involved in the main European research projects focused on structural-acoustics, which led to more than 200 scientific publications including more than 70 international journal papers. He is one of the founders of the flinovia group ( and serves a number of journals as editor and associate editor. He is also in the board of AIDAA, NOVEM, MEDYNA and other international conferences.
Francesco Franco is active in many fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering such as structural dynamics, structural-acoustics, structural-acoustic optimization, computational methods in structural-acoustic with reference to low and medium-high modal density problems, experimental techniques for the modal analysis – flutter clearance in aeronautics – localization and characterization of vibration and noise sources, active structural-acoustic control, smart materials with particular reference to magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials, damage detection by using frequency response functions. Since 2020, he has been associate professor at Università di Napoli Federico II, and he is currently teaching a class on “Structural Dynamics” for the master degree programme in aerospace engineering. Dr. Franco is one of the founders of the flinovia group (
Paolo Gardonio graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Padova (I) in 1991 and completed a PhD in Applied Mechanics in 1995. He joined the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton (UK) in 1995 as a Research Fellow and became Professor of Systems Dynamics and Control in 2006. In December 2009 he moved to the University of Udine (I) as Professore Ordinario of "Automatica". Between 1999 and 2008 he has coordinated the European Doctorate in Sound and Vibration, a Marie Curie programme, which has supported the PhD of 126 young researchers at ten European University Centres. From 2003 to 2008, he was visiting professor at the University of Ferrara (I) and he is currently Deputy Secretary General at CISM. He has been involved in research projects focused on passive and active control of sound and vibration, which led to more than 250 scientific publications including more than 90 international journal papers. In particular, he has co-authored with Prof. F.J. Fahy the monograph “Sound and Structural Vibration”.
Alfonso Pagani serves as associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino. He earned a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at City University of London in 2016 and, earlier, a Ph.D. in Fluid-dynamics at Politecnico di Torino under the supervision of Prof. E. Carrera. Recently, Dr. Pagani has been awarded an EU-H2020 ERC starting grant for an exploratory study into a new approach to the problem of design, manufacturing and analysis of variable stiffness composite materials ( In 2018, Alfonso joined California Institute of Technology as visiting associate to work on acoustics of meta-materials. Also, he spent research periods at Purdue University in 2016, where he worked on micro-mechanics of fibre-reinforced composites with Prof. W. Yu; RMIT Melbourne in 2014; and at Universidade do Porto in 2013. Alfonso is the co-author of some 100 publications. He acts as a reviewer for more than 20 International journals and is associate editor for Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Structures, an Int’l Journal edited by Techno-Press, and International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer Nature.
Alex Pereira do Prado is a result-oriented senior R&D engineer at Embraer focused on facts, data and objective decision making. Alex earned a MSc in 2002 in Mechanical Engineering at UNICAMP (University of Campinas) and a BSc in 1999 in Mechanical Engineering with honors and awards for the highest grade in the class at UNESP (São Paulo State University). He worked as laboratory leader of vibration and acoustics as well as a dynamics and vibrations technical leader for Whirlpool Corp. In 2010, Alex was hired by Embraer to work with composite wing aeroelasticity where he modeled and tested several composite stabilizers in order to validate modeling methods. In 2015, he worked to build a new international collaborative R&D project in the areas of design, sizing and optimization of composite wings, developing and implementing methods for structural sizing via multidisciplinary optimization, also known as Aeroelastic Tailoring, which was lately successfully introduced into a preliminary design project, resulting in a lightweight composite wing-box with an outstanding structural performance.
Marco Petrolo is an associate professor in the MUL2 Group, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace, Politecnico di Torino. His research activity focuses on the structural analysis of composite structures; refined beam, plate, and shell models; component-wise approaches and axiomatic/asymptotic analyses. He published some 75 journal articles and two books. He was a Research Fellow at the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He earned a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino in April 2012, discussing a thesis on Advanced aeroelastic models for the analysis of lifting surfaces made of composite materials. He gained an MSc in Aerospace Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino, an MSc in Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft (The Netherlands). He worked as an intern at EADS (Germany). He is a Fulbright alumnus and, as a Fulbrighter, spent research periods at the San Diego State University (USA) and the University of Michigan (USA). He was appointed adjunct professor in Fundamentals of Strength of Materials (BSc in Aerospace Engineering at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan), and as visiting professor at Purdue University and University of British Columbia.
Giuseppe Petrone is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering – Aerospace Section of Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico”. Dr. Petrone received his Ph.D. in Aerospace, Naval and Quality Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) in 2014. His research activities are focused in many fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering such as mechanical characterization, structural dynamics, structural-acoustics and damage detection by using both frequency response functions and ultrasonic waves techniques. Dr. Petrone has been involved, as principal and co-investigator, in several research projects, funded by industrial companies and/or European Community, for many engineering sectors, including aircraft, comfort, safety, noise and vibration. He serves as referee and associate editor for many peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Petrone spent research periods at CACM (Centre for Advanced Composite Materials) of the University of Auckland (New Zealand) and at University of Santiago de Chile.
Riccardo Vescovini is Associate Professor of Aerospace Structures at POLIMI. He received his M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2007 and his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering in 2011 from the same university. He is lecturer in Aerospace Structures (M.Sc in Space Engineering) and Nonlinear Analysis of Aerospace Structures (M.Sc in Aeronautical Engineering). His research interests are in the field of thin-walled structures, with special focus on analytical and numerical modelling of buckling and post-buckling phenomena. He participated to several European research programs in the field of buckling (COCOMAT, MAAXIMUS, DAEDALOS, DESICOS), and collaborated with NASA Langley on damage tolerance of post-buckled aerospace structures.
Mirco Zaccariotto is associate professor of aerospace structures at University of Padova. He has the M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering and the PhD degree in “Mechanical measurements for engineering science”. He got a research fellow at Cisas “G. Colombo”, University of Padova, in the field of “Thermo-structural optimization of optic system in space environment”. He was involved, as thermo-mechanical expert, in several space missions and European Space Agency funded projects. Prof. Zaccariotto key experiences are related to the study of non-local theory of solid mechanics, modelling of damage propagation in structural components, study of diagnostic techniques applied to structural health monitoring. He is member of AIDAA, the European Mechanics Society and the Nafems MultiBody Working Group. He is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific publications (papers and contributions to conference proceedings).
The webinar will be hosted on the Microsoft Teams platform.
The registration fee is 100.00 Euro + VAT*, where applicable (bank charges are not included).
CISM will financially support students participating in the Advanced Webinar by providing registration fee exemption to PhD and early stage researchers and to members of PRIN DEVISU project.
Online registration is available at
A message of confirmation will be sent to accepted participants.
The application deadline is November 16, 2020.
For further information, please visit CISM website.
* Italian VAT is 22%.