18th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control July 5-8, 2010, Udine, Italy www.romansy2010.org The First CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators was held on Sept. 5-8, 1973, in Udine, Italy, not long after IFToMM had been founded in 1969. The first ROMANSY, or Ro.Man.Sy., as the Symposium used to be referred to, marks the beginning of a long-lasting partnership between two international institutions, CISM, the Centre International des Sciences Mécaniques and IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science. As the 18th Symposium returns to Udine, RoManSy2010 will continue to preserve this tradition, by encouraging papers that are of a broad interest to the participants and by providing an environment and setting for meaningful technical and personal interactions among the delegates. In particular, the conference solicits papers providing a vision of the evolution of the robotics disciplines and signaling new directions in which these disciplines are foreseen to develop. Paper topics include, but are not limited to: 1. novel robot design and robot modules/components; 2. service, education, medical, space, welfare and rescue robots; 3. humanoid robots, bio-robotics, multi-robot, embodied multi-agent systems; 4. challenges in control, modeling, kinematical and dynamical analysis of robotic systems; 5. innovations in sensor systems for robots and perception; 6. recent advances in robotics. The dates and location of the 18th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control offer the possibility to participate, too, in ARK 2010, 12th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (June 27 - July 1, 2010, Piran-Portoroz , Slovenia, www.ijs.si/ARK ). Important dates: 1. The draft of the full paper should be submitted by November 30th, 2009 2. Decision of acceptance: February 28th, 2010 3. Final version accepted papers and registration of authors: March 31st, 2010 4. For YD grants applications can be entertained by January 31, 2010 prior to a final decision on the acceptance of papers; a conditional decision will be made. For details see http://www.iftomm.org > Young Delegates Program. Conference Venue: International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) Palazzo del Torso Piazza Garibaldi 18 33100 Udine, Italy Conference Place: city map, CISM seat Contact: Ms. Paola Agnola (Secretariat) CISM, Udine, Italy Email: P.Agnola [at] cism.it Program Committee Co-Chairs: * V. Parenti Castelli (Co-Chairman, University of Bologna, Italy) * W. Schiehlen (Co-Chairman, University of Stuttgart, Germany) Steering Committee: * P. Bidaud (Laboratoire de Robotique de Paris, France) * M. Ceccarelli (University of Cassino, Italy) * I-Ming Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) * B. Heimann (Chair of TC Robotics, Hannover University, Germany) * O. Khatib (Stanford University, USA) * E. Martin (Canadian Space Agency, Canada) * W. Schiehlen (CISM Representative, University of Stuttgart, Germany) * A. Takanishi (Waseda University, Japan) * T. Zielińska (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) Guidelines for Submission: The draft paper should be submitted by November 30th, 2009 via email to the address: romansy [at] cism.it. The submission details for the final papers will be given upon acceptance. Manuscript Preparation Guidelines: 1. Prepare the draft and final version of your paper using the available templates and instructions given on CISM's web site (http://www.cism.it/publications/authors/) and then selecting "volume contributors". For WORD instructions use the file www.romansy2010.org/CISM-WordInstructions.doc 2. Create a PDF version of your paper. Please be sure that margins, font size, bibliography style, etc. are equal to those of the sample files. WORD generated files are subject to errors in the printing process therefore we highly encourage the use of LATEX. 3. The final version of the paper MUST NOT exceed 8 typeset pages. 4. Be sure that all fonts are embedded in the pdf file. Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed. 5. Photographs and grayscale figures shoud be prepared with 300 dpi resolution and saved with no compression. Color figures are not allowed. 6. High-contrast line figures and tables should be prepared with 600 dpi resolution. Registration for Participants: Application form can be downloaded from http://www.romansy2010.org/RegistrationForm.doc and sent to CISM Secretariat by email or fax. A message of confirmation will be sent to accepted participants. Registration fee is 420.00 EUR and 410.00 EUR for participants from IFToMM Member Organizations. The fee includes IVA/VAT tax and excludes bank charges. Participants may pay to CISM - Bank Account 094570210900, Veneto Banca, Piazza Garibaldi 21, 33100 Udine, Italy. IBAN code: IT83Z 05418 12300 09457 0210900 SWIFT code: AMBPIT2M Payee: CISM. Copy of the receipt should be sent to CISM’s Secretariat. Participants may also pay at the registration counter with check, cash or VISA Credit Card (Mastercard/Eurocard, Visa, CartaSì). The registration fee includes a participant's package with book of abstracts, coffee breaks, and an excursion with dinner. Information about travel and accommodation is available at www.cism.it, or can be mailed upon request. For further information please contact CISM Secretariat at P.Agnola [at] cism.it.
Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli (Università di Bologna)
A kinematic model of the tibio-talar joint using a minimum energy principle