The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of:
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers for supporting the invited speakers, through the Board on Technical Knowledge Dissemination (BTKD) and the New Product Development (NPD) Funding Committee;
- Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze;
- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT);
- DICEA Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua;
- The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM);
- The Methodist Hospital Research Institute.
The ASME NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB) initiative serves to identify challenges and opportunities with the aim to engage the engineering, physicist, chemist and material scientist communities in emerging areas of research, technology and education pertaining to applying nanoscience and nanoengineering to medicine and biology. The NEMB Steering Committee develops strategies and plans and monitors their implementation in critical areas, to facilitate the exploration of challenging life science problems and to improve human health through nanoengineering. In particular, the focus areas of NEMB are: 1) modeling and design, and experimental methods, 2) manufacturing and implementation, and 3) testing, reliability and standards. Through this range of activities NEMB leads the field in the establishment of the art, science and practice of multidisciplinary nanoengineering in medicine and biology.
Federico Bussolino (None)
Targeting liver metastasis of colorectal cancer
Paolo Caliceti (None)
Polymer therapeutics for tumor targeting
Ada Cavalcanti (None)
Making the move: Cell-extracellular matrix interactions at the nanoscale
Paolo Decuzzi (None)
On the rational design of multifunctional nanoconstructs with preferential tumoritropic accumulation
Enzo di Fabrizio (None)
Nanoscale chemical mapping using surface plasmon polaritons
Dai Fukumura (None)
Exploiting and taming tumor microenvironment for nanomedicine.
Florence Gazeau (None)
The Janus face of cell-released microvesicles: vehicles for nanomaterials dissemination and new class of biogenic theranostic vectors
Hector Gomez (None)
Multiscale modeling and simulation of tumor growth using isogeometric analysis
Anders E. Hansen (None)
Nanoparticles in image guided therapy
Michael King (None)
Nanobiotechnology for the Capture and Manipulation of Circulating Tumor Cells
Wing Kam Liu (None)
Nanoparticles design for Drug Delivery through the use ot the immersed molecular finite element method and uncertainty quantification
Moien Moghimi (None)
1001 Complement Tales: Carbon Nanotubes and the Just so Forty Complement Proteins.
Paolo Netti (None)
On the engineering of cell instructive materials
Renata Pasqualini (None)
Ligand—directed therapy and molecular imaging based on in vivo phage display technology
Dan Peer (None)
Nanomedicines: directing the immune response?
Matthias Reuss (None)
Multiscale modeling of drug delivery in tumor tissues
Bernhard A. Schrefler (None)
A multiphase model for three—dimensional tumor growth
Frank Winkler (None)
High-resolution intravital imaging of brain tumor progression and response to therapies