The First CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators was held on Sept. 5-8, 1973, in Udine, Italy, not long after IFToMM had been founded in 1969. The first ROMANSY, or Ro.Man.Sy., as the Symposium used to be referred to, marks the beginning of a long-lasting partnership between two international institutions, CISM, the Centre International des Sciences Mécaniques and IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science.
As the 21st Symposium returns to Udine, RoManSy 2016 will continue to preserve this tradition, by encouraging papers that are of a broad interest to the participants and by providing an environment and setting for meaningful technical and personal interactions among the delegates. In particular, the conference solicits papers providing a vision of the evolution of the robotics disciplines and signaling new directions in which these disciplines are foreseen to develop.
Paper topics include, but are not limited to:
1. novel robot design and robot modules/components;
2. personal, service, medical, space and rescue robots;
3. humanoid robots, bio-robotics, multi-robot, embodied multi-agent systems;
4. challenges in control, modeling, kinematical and dynamical analysis of robotic systems;
5. innovations in sensor systems for robots and perception;
6. biomechanical problems and education in robotics.
1. Draft paper submission deadline: January 10th, 2016
2. Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2016
3. Final version accepted papers and registration of authors: March 31st, 2016
4. Grant applications, available for young delegates, can be entertained by January 31st, 2016. Prior to a final decision on the acceptance of papers a conditional decision will be made. For details see
> Young Delegates Program
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) Palazzo del Torso
Piazza Garibaldi 18
33100 Udine
Information about travel and accommodation is available on CISM’s web site at
Vincenzo Parenti Castelli, Italy (CISM Representative)
I-Ming Chen, Singapore (IFToMM Representative)
Philippe Bidaud, France
Marco Ceccarelli, Italy
Oussama Khatib, USA
Werner Schiehlen, Germany
Atsuo Takanishi, Japan
Teresa Zielinska, Poland
V. Parenti Castelli (Co-Chairman, University of Bologna, Italy)
W. Schiehlen (Co-Chairman, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Vigen Arakelyan, France Guseppe Carbone, Italy
Greg Chirikjian, USA
Victor Glazunov, Russia
Qiang Huang, China
Yan Jin, United Kingdom
Andres Kecskemethy, Germany
Marek Wojtyra, Poland
The draft paper should be submitted by January 10th, 2016 via on-line submission system. Detailed instructions and submission link will be reported on the Symposium website
The submission details for the final papers will be given upon acceptance.
Each accepted paper will be provided by its own DOI.
The Romansy 2016 proceedings will be published in a CISM- Springer book indexed in Scopus.
1. Prepare the draft and final version of your paper using the Latex available templates and instructions given on CISM's web site ( and then selecting "volume contributors". For WORD instructions please use this file
2. The final version of the paper MUST NOT exceed 8 typeset pages.
3. Be sure that all fonts are embedded in the pdf file. Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed.
4. Photographs and grayscale figures shoud be prepared with 300 dpi resolution and saved with no compression.
5. High-contrast line figures and tables should be prepared with 600 dpi resolution.
Registration fee is 440,00 Euro and 425,00 for participants from IFToMM Member Organizations.Participants from IFToMM Member Organizations should specify it in the “notes” field of the on-line registration.
The fee includes Italian VAT taxes (22%) and does not include bank charges. Please note that European participants who provide a VAT number validated by the European Information Exchange System (VIES), as an "intra-Community VAT number", will receive an invoice exempted from the payment of the Italian VAT of 22%.
Participants may pay to CISM Bank Account:
094570210900 Veneto Banca, Piazza Garibaldi 21, 33100 Udine, Italy. IBAN code: IT46N 05035 12300 09457 0210900
Payee: CISM.
Copy of the receipt should be sent to CISM’s Secretariat. Participants may also pay at the registration counter with ATM card or credit card (Mastercard, Visa).
The registration fee includes participant’s package with the full program, also available on line, coffee breaks and excursion with dinner. Registered participants will receive one Proceedings copy published by Springer.
Applicants may cancel their registration and receive a full refund by notifying CISM Secretariat in writing (by email) no later than two weeks prior to the start of the Symposium. If cancellation occurs less than two weeks prior to the start of the Symposium, a Euro 50,00 handling fee will be charged. Incorrect payments are subject to Euro 50,00 handling fee.
Information on travel and accommodation is available at or can be mailed upon request.
For further information please contact CISM Secretariat
CISM - Palazzo del Torso
Piazza Garibaldi 18 - 33100 Udine, Italy
Ph +39 0432 248511 - Fax +39 0432 248550 Email: romansy2016 [at]