Instructions for Volume Editor(s)
The volume editor is responsible for the front matter pages containing the preface and the table of contents. So, his/her task is the preparation of two PDF files using the supplied template files.
- The PREFACE must not exceed two typeset pages. For its preparation please follow these steps:
- Step 1. Download the following files to a common directory, say EdDir:
- Step 2. Edit a copy of the template file CCLPrefaceTemplate.tex with your preface and
- Step 3. Save it (e.g. as myPreface.tex) in the directory EdDir,
- Step 4. typeset myPreface.tex
- Step 5. Open myPreface.pdf with Adobe Reader, and
- from the File menu choose Document Properties and Fonts to
- check that your document embeds only Type1 or/and TrueType fonts.
- In order to build the Table of Contents follow these steps:
- Step 1. download the following files to EdDir:
- Step 2. Edit a copy of the template file CCLContentsTemplate.tex and
- Step 3. save it (e.g. as myContents.tex) inside EdDir,
- Step 4. typeset myContents.tex
- Step 5. Open myContents.pdf with Adobe Reader, and
- from the File menu choose Document Properties and Fonts to
- check that your document embeds only Type1 or/and TrueType fonts.