Here is the list of the 2025 International Advanced Courses:
CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course
Instabilities in Turbulence
April 7 - 11
Coordinators: Detlef Lohse (Twente, NL), Olga Shishkina (Göttingen, DE)
10th CISM-ECCOMAS Advanced course
Opportunities and Challenges of Quantum Computing in Computational Mechanics
May 5 - 9
Coordinators: Matthias Möller (Delft, NL), Fabian Key (Vienna, AT)
Wrinkling – Theoretical Foundations, Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling
May 19 - 23
Coordinators: Franz Rammerstorfer (Vienna, AT), Valentina Balbi (Galway, IE)
28th CISM-IUTAM Summer School
Gravity Currents in the Environment
May 26 - 30
Coordinators: Eckart Meiburg (Santa Barbara, USA), Benjamin Kneller (Aberdeen, UK)
Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures: Finite Fracture Mechanics and Related Fracture Models
June 9 - 13
Coordinators: Aurélien Doitrand (Villeurbanne, FR), Vladislav Mantič (Sevilla, ES)
Recent Advancements in Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Complex Materials
June 23 - 27
Coordinators: Tomasz Sadowski (Stuttgart, DE), Patrizia Trovalusci (Rome, IT)
Architectured Materials and Metamaterials: Design Principles and Effective Properties
June 30 - July 4
Coordinators: Jean-François Ganghoffer (Metz, FR), Catalin Picu (Troy, NY, USA)
Mechanics to Build and Program Soft Robots
July 7 - 11
Coordinators: Joel Marthelot (Marseille, FR), Pierre-Thomas Brun (Princeton, NJ, USA)
Modelling Techniques for the Development of Artificial Organs
July 14 - 18
Coordinators: Marcus Granegger (Vienna, AT), Bernhard Semlitsch (Vienna, AT)
Non-Spherical Particles in Turbulence
July 21 - 25
Coordinators: Cristian Marchioli (Udine, IT), René Van Hout (Haifa, IL)
Morphing Structural Materials – From Biology to Physics to Architecture
September 1 - 5
Coordinators: Peter Fratzl (Potsdam, DE), Eran Sharon (Jerusalem, IL)
Lagrangian Approaches to Multiphysics Two-phase Flows
September 8 - 12
Coordinators: Jacek Pozorski (Gdansk, PL), Alfredo Soldati (Vienna, AT)
Advances in Wind Energy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
September 15 - 19
Coordinators: Charalampos Baniotopoulos (Birmingham, UK), Enzo Marino (Florence, IT)
CISM-EUROMECH Advanced Course
Metal Additive Manufacturing: Fundamentals, Modeling, Materials, and Implementation
September 22 - 26
Coordinators: A. John Hart (Cambridge, MA, USA), Christoph Meier (Munich, DE)
11th CISM–AIMETA Advanced Course
Machine Learning for Solid Mechanics
September 29 - October 3
Coordinators: Kaushik Bhattacharya (Pasadena, USA), Antonio De Simone (Pisa, IT)
Image-based Mechanics: an Overview of Experimental and Numerical Approaches
October 6 - 10
Coordinators: Julien Réthoré (Nantes, FR), José Xavier (Caparica, PT)
The Dynamics of Rolling and Balancing in Micromobility Vehicles
October 13 - 17
Coordinators: Gabor Orosz (Ann Arbor, MI, USA), Denes Takacs (Budapest, HU)
Emerging Discretization Methods in Solid Mechanics
October 20 - 24
Coordinators: Peter Wriggers (Hannover, DE), Jörg Schröder (Essen, DE)
The detailed information for each course is currently being published at the following link: