CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

Our publications

Topics in Magnetohydrodynamic Topology, Reconnection and Stability Theory

Topics in Magnetohydrodynamic Topology, Reconnection and Stability Theory

The book presents an advanced but accessible overview of some of the most important sub-branches of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): stability theory, magnetic topology, relaxation theory and magnetic reconnection. Although each of these subjects is often treated separately, in practical MHD applications they are normally inseparable. MHD is a highly active field of research.The book is written for ...

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Advanced Procrustes Analysis Models in Photogrammetric Computer Vision

Advanced Procrustes Analysis Models in Photogrammetric Computer Vision

This book gives a comprehensive view of the developed procrustes models, including the isotropic, the generalized and the anisotropic variants. These represent original tools to perform, among others, the bundle block adjustment and the global registration of multiple 3D LiDAR point clouds. Moreover, the book also reports the recently derived total least squares solution of the anisotropic Proc...

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Singular Configurations of Mechanisms and Manipulators

Singular Configurations of Mechanisms and Manipulators

The book introduces the main problems, key methods, and milestone results in singularity analysis of mechanisms. It provides a comprehensive and concise overview of basic results while also addressing a few advanced topics of singularities in mechanical systems and robots.

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Global Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design and System Safety

Global Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design and System Safety

This is the first book which exploits concepts and tools of global nonlinear dynamics for bridging the gap between theoretical and practical stability of systems/structures, and for possibly enhancing the engineering design in macro-, micro- and nano-mechanics. Addressed topics include complementing theoretical and practical stability to achieve load carrying capacity; dynamical integrity for a...

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Mesoscale Models

Mesoscale Models

The book helps to answer the following questions: How far have the understanding and mesoscale modeling advanced in recent decades, what are the key open questions that require further research and what are the mathematical and physical requirements for a mesoscale model intended to provide either insight or a predictive engineering tool? It is addressed to young researchers including doctoral ...

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