CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

Our publications

Collective Dynamics of Particles

Collective Dynamics of Particles

The book surveys the state-of-the-art methods that are currently available to model and simulate the presence of rigid particles in a fluid flow. For particles that are very small relative to the characteristic flow scales and move without interaction with other particles, effective equations of motion for particle tracking are formulated and applied (e.g. in gas-solid flows). For larger partic...

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Cavitation Instabilities and Rotordynamic Effects in Turbopumps and Hydroturbines

Cavitation Instabilities and Rotordynamic Effects in Turbopumps and Hydroturbines

The book provides a detailed approach to the physics, fluid dynamics, modeling, experimentation and numerical simulation of cavitation phenomena, with special emphasis on cavitation-induced instabilities and their implications on the design and operation of high performance turbopumps and hydraulic turbines. The first part covers the fundamentals (nucleation, dynamics, thermodynamic effects, er...

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Advances in Medium and High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology

Advances in Medium and High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology

In this book well-known experts highlight cutting-edge research priorities and discuss the state of the art in the field of solid oxide fuel cells giving an update on specific subjects such as protonic conductors, interconnects, electrocatalytic and catalytic processes and modelling approaches.Fundamentals and advances in this field are illustrated to help young researchers address issues in th...

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Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics

Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics

The articles in this book review hybrid experimental-computational methods applied to soft tissues which have been developed by worldwide specialists in the field. People developing computational models of soft tissues and organs will find solutions for calibrating the material parameters of their models; people performing tests on soft tissues will learn what to extract from the data and how t...

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Shell-like Structures

Shell-like Structures

The book presents mathematical and mechanical aspects of the theory of plates and shells, applications in civil, aero-space and mechanical engineering, as well in other areas. The focus relates to the following problems:• comprehensive review of the most popular theories of plates and shells,• relations between three-dimensional theories and two-dimensional ones,• presentation of...

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