CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

Our news

30 AUG 2022



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28 FEB 2022

In memoriam Alfred Kluwick

Alfred Kluwick, Professor emeritus at the TU Wien, passed away on the 2nd of February 2022.

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20 JAN 2022

Courses 2022 Registration Info

Due to the ongoing pandemic, following last year programme organization, even 2022 courses will be held in a hybrid format offering the possibility to attend the courses both on-site and online.

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19 JAN 2022

Programme 2022

The final programme of the 2022 International Advanced Courses is now available at the following link:

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15 NOV 2021

Preliminary Programme 2022

Charles Doering Session

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16 JUL 2021

Professor Manuel G. Velarde appointed Honorific Professor at Universidad Europea

CISM last resident Rector Manuel G. Velarde, Emeritus Professor at Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, has been appointed Honorific Professor at Universidad Europea, Madrid.

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26 MAY 2021

Manuale di Triage Tecnico

Pubblicato col supporto del CISM, Il Manuale di Triage Tecnico è stato proposto e messo a punto dal gruppo di ricerca SPRINT-Lab dell’Università degli Studi di Udine come strumento di supporto alle attività del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del fuoco di valutazione rapida dei danni agli edifici danneggiati dal terremoto dell’Emilia 2012 per la pianificazione rapida degli interventi di messa in sic...

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26 FEB 2021


Before registering the applicants need to consider the following information:
CISM doesn't request payment or send invoices before the course and its format are confirmed (at the latest one month before the beginning of the course).
If it won't be possible to hold some courses in presence, then CISM will ask the "in presence" applicants if they wish to switch their application to the "o...

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13 JAN 2021

Courses Format - UPDATE

Since the present pandemic situation is still very uncertain, CISM is considering the possibility of offering courses with flexible structure in order to face a mutable situation. Probably even in 2021 travelling could be difficult, for this reason, though we trust in the traditional CISM courses, we are planning to opt for a hybrid course format offering the possibility to attend the courses a...

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