Professor Manuel G. Velarde appointed Honorific Professor at Universidad Europea
CISM last resident Rector Manuel G. Velarde, Emeritus Professor at Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, has been appointed Honorific Professor at Universidad Europea, Madrid.
Continue ReadingManuale di Triage Tecnico
Pubblicato col supporto del CISM, Il Manuale di Triage Tecnico è stato proposto e messo a punto dal gruppo di ricerca SPRINT-Lab dell’Università degli Studi di Udine come strumento di supporto alle attività del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del fuoco di valutazione rapida dei danni agli edifici danneggiati dal terremoto dell’Emilia 2012 per la pianificazione rapida degli interventi di messa in sic...
Before registering the applicants need to consider the following information:
CISM doesn't request payment or send invoices before the course and its format are confirmed (at the latest one month before the beginning of the course).
If it won't be possible to hold some courses in presence, then CISM will ask the "in presence" applicants if they wish to switch their application to the "o...
Courses Format - UPDATE
Since the present pandemic situation is still very uncertain, CISM is considering the possibility of offering courses with flexible structure in order to face a mutable situation. Probably even in 2021 travelling could be difficult, for this reason, though we trust in the traditional CISM courses, we are planning to opt for a hybrid course format offering the possibility to attend the courses a...
Continue ReadingCAMBIAMENTO CLIMATICO. Il punto di vista fisico tecnico
Il professor Gianni Comini (CISM DEA) e il professor Michele Libralato (Università di Udine) hanno da ...
Continue ReadingGianpietro Del Piero
The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences announces with sorrow that Professor Gianpietro Del Piero passed away in Palmanova (Udine) on September 28, 2020.
Continue ReadingProf. Manuel G. Velarde has received the UK Patent Certificate of SFET
Prof. Manuel G. Velarde has received the UK PATENT CERTIFICATE (serial number GB 2533105) for the co-invention (with Prof. E. G. Wilson) of SFET (Solectron Field Effect Transistor and inverter) a novel transistor not based on silicon and offering extremely low heat as transport is mechanically controlled by solitons (wave-like localized mechanical excitations in a crystal). The theory underlyin...
Continue ReadingTentative Programme 2021
After the closure due to the coronavirus emergency, the headquarters of the Center is open again.
Despite the obvious difficulties, we are preparing the program of activities for 2021.
Prof. Soldati delivered the Freeman Scholar plenary lecture at the 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting
On July 14, 2020, in the conference room of CISM, Prof. Soldati delivered the Freeman Scholar plenary lecture at the 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.
The meeting is the annual venue of the Fluids Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and this year the meeting was held in Orlando...