CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

Our news

17 OCT 2019

Professor Manuel G. Velarde has been awarded with the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Almeria

CISM former resident Rector Manuel G. Velarde has been awarded, on September 27, 2019, the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Almeria, Spain ( Prof. Velarde was born there in 1941 and after going to school until 1958, just sixty one years later he has returned to his home town where he is expected to help in the scientific growth of its young u...

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16 SEP 2019

Open Call for Submission Courses 2021

CISM is currently accepting proposals for courses to be held in 2021 or later.

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23 MAY 2019


CISM will take part to ESOF 2020. Stay Tuned!

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17 MAY 2019

1969 - 2019, CISM - 50 Years of Activity

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) was founded fifty years ago, thanks to the vision and determination of Luigi Sobrero. His idea was to establish an international centre for advanced studies in Mechanics and related Sciences, which would foster the exchange of ideas and experiences between scientists and young researchers from all over the w...

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13 MAY 2019

European Commission appoints Mauro Ferrari as next ERC President

On 14 May 2019, the European Commission appointed Professor Mauro Ferrari as the next President of the European Research Council (ERC). Professor Ferrari will take up his new role as of 1 January 2020.
Professor Ferrari attended the “Liceo classico J. Stellini” high school in Udine. He has a distinguished academic career, including many years in the United States, during which he contribute...

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15 SEP 2018

Alfredo Soldati awarded with the 2018 Panetti Ferrari Prize by the Academy of Sciences of Turin

CISM Rector Professor Alfredo Soldati has received the 2018 Panetti Ferrari Prize by the Academy of Sciences of Turin.
The Panetti Ferrari Prize is awarded to a distinguished scientis...

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2 MAY 2017

Seminario del Professor M. G. Velarde

Il Professor Manuel G. Velarde, rettore del CISM dal 2002 al 2004 e professore emerito dell’Università Complutense di Madrid, terrà il 2 maggio 2017 alle ore 15.30, un seminario presso la Sala riunioni di Fisica – Campus Rizzi dell’Università di Udine (via delle Scienze 206 – U...

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15 MAR 2017

Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua

La Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua (World Water Day) è una ricorrenza istituita dalle Nazioni Unite nel 1992, prevista all’interno delle direttive dell’agenda 21, risultato della conferenza di Rio.
Il 22 marzo di ogni anno gli Stati che siedono all’interno dell’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite sono invitati alla promozione dell’acqua promuovendo attività concrete nei loro rispet...

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