CISM • International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

Our news

15 MAR 2017

Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua

La Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua (World Water Day) è una ricorrenza istituita dalle Nazioni Unite nel 1992, prevista all’interno delle direttive dell’agenda 21, risultato della conferenza di Rio.
Il 22 marzo di ogni anno gli Stati che siedono all’interno dell’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite sono invitati alla promozione dell’acqua promuovendo attività concrete nei loro rispet...

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12 FEB 2017

Bruno A. Boley

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences announces with the deepest sorrow that Professor Bruno A. Boley passed away in Providence RI on February 11, 2017.

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11 NOV 2016

Stephen C. Cowin

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences announces with the deepest sorrow that Professor Stephen C. Cowin passed away on October 19, 2016. He has been coordinator and lecturer at CISM courses since 1995.
Here below the obituary we received form the Department of Biomedical Engineering of The City College of New York.

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24 OCT 2016

Iztok Žun

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of our dear friend and colleague, Iztok Žun. He was Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana and Head of the Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics. He has been lecturer at CISM courses and since 2012 he was member of our Scientific Council.

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19 SEP 2016

Elisabeth Guazzelli awarded with the 2016 Fluid Mechanics Prize by EUROMECH

CISM Rector Professor Elisabeth Guazzelli has received the 2016 Fluid Mechanics Prize by EUROMECH in recognition of her ground-breaking experiments on sedimenting suspensions, demonstrating the origin of particle fluctuations and cluster formati...

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27 JUL 2016

Professor Bernhard Schrefler awarded with the Gauss-Newton Medal

Professor Bernhard Schrefler, Secretary General of CISM, has been awarded with the Gauss-Newton Medal, the highest award given by IACM.

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9 MAY 2016

Sándor Kaliszky

The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences announces with the deepest sorrow that Professor Sándor Kaliszky passed away in Budapest on April 10, 2016.

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18 MAR 2016

Progetto di collaborazione per lo sviluppo tra Italia e Camerun

Alla presenza del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana, Sergio Mattarella, del Magnifico Rettore di Padova Prof. Rosario Rizzuto, del Direttore del ENSTP Prof. George Elambo Nkeng, il Prof. Bernhard Schrefler, Segretario Generale del CISM ha tenuto una lecture sulle possibilità aperte dalla ricerca scientifica presso l’Ateneo di Padova ma anche in relazione al contesto camerune...

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25 FEB 2016

Il CISM riconosciuto come Provider dal CNI

Il CISM ha ottenuto il riconoscimento come Provider ed è stato autorizzato dal CNI - Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri ad erogare attività di Formazione Professionale Continua per gli Ingegneri.

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